ManoMotion Unity SDK 2.0
SDK documentation
CManoMotion.AssetStatus | |
CManoMotion.BoundingBox | Bounding box of a hand |
CManoMotion.Features | 1 for using it and 0 for not using it, for skeleton it´s either 3d if 1 or 2d if 0 |
CManoMotion.FingerInfo | Gives information about the width of the fingers |
CManoMotion.GestureInfo | Information about the gesture performed by the user |
CManoMotion.HandInfo | Contains information about the hand |
▼CIBeginDragHandler | |
CManoMotion.Demos.SceneSelection | Manages the scene carousel |
▼CIEndDragHandler | |
CManoMotion.Demos.SceneSelection | Manages the scene carousel |
CManoMotion.Instructions.Old.InstructionStep | Instruction that can require multiple requirements to be fulfilled |
CLowPassFilter | |
CManoMotion.ManoMotionFrame | Camera frame information to be set and broadcast by InputManagers |
CManoMotion.Editor.ManoMotionSetup | Updates the Project Settings to work for Windows, Android and iOS |
CManoMotion.ManoSettings | Information sent to the SDK on Init() from ManomotionManager |
▼CMonoBehaviour | |
CManoMotion.BoundingBoxOverlap2D | Component that can be used to check overlaps between the bounding box and 2D colliders |
CManoMotion.CameraSystem.CameraChangeListener | Invokes UnityEvents when camera is changed to front- or back facing |
CManoMotion.CameraSystem.CameraSwitch | Contains a single method to switch the camera between front- and back facing. Add to Button and connect with OnClick event |
▼CManoMotion.CameraSystem.InputManagerBase | Base class for InputManagers |
CManoMotion.CameraSystem.InputManagerARFoundation | Clones the camera image from ARCameraBackground and broadcasts camera updates |
CManoMotion.CameraSystem.InputManagerAdjustable | Takes control of the devices camera and broadcasts camera updates |
CManoMotion.CameraSystem.InputManagerVideo | |
CManoMotion.Demos.GestureExamples | |
CManoMotion.Demos.Grabbable | Component to interact with |
CManoMotion.Demos.Grabber | Manages interactions with grabbable objects |
CManoMotion.Demos.HandMouseController | |
CManoMotion.Demos.Recenterer | Recenters the GameObject when enabled. Mostly used in "scenes" so that the GameObjects appears in front of the camera |
CManoMotion.Demos.SceneOption | Settings for "scenes" when using SceneSelection |
CManoMotion.Demos.SceneSelection | Manages the scene carousel |
CManoMotion.DrawLineBetweenJoints | Handle the linerenderers between the skeleton joints |
CManoMotion.Gizmos.ContinuousGizmo | Displays which continuous gesture is being performed |
CManoMotion.Gizmos.DebugText | Component to quickly display values for debugging |
CManoMotion.Gizmos.EdgeWarnings | |
CManoMotion.Gizmos.TriggerGestureVisualizer | To display specific trigger gestures in skeleton scene |
CManoMotion.Gizmos.TriggerGizmo | Handles the visualization of the trigger gizmos |
CManoMotion.Gizmos.TriggerLineVisualizer | Displays a line between start/stop gesture triggers. Like grab and release |
CManoMotion.Gizmos.TriggerMarker | Marker to be left at a position for a specified duration |
CManoMotion.Gizmos.TriggerMarkerVisualizer | Activates a marker when a specified gesture is triggered |
CManoMotion.Instructions.New.Instruction | Component that keeps track of an instruction requirement |
CManoMotion.Instructions.New.InstructionManager | Manager for new style of instructions |
CManoMotion.Instructions.New.InstructionPanel | Updates the instruction panels position depending on the device orientation |
CManoMotion.Instructions.New.InstructionStep | Manager of an instruction panel that can have multiple requirements. Example is the panel with both Grab and Release instructions |
CManoMotion.Instructions.New.NextTimer | Invokes an event when timer has been active for a specified time |
CManoMotion.Instructions.Old.SceneInstruction | Manager of old style instructions |
CManoMotion.LookAtJoint | |
CManoMotion.ManoEvents | Gives information about the license being used |
▼CManoMotion.ManoMotionManagerBase | Base class for ManoMotionManager. Handles library imports and settings |
CManoMotion.ManoMotionManager | The ManomotionManager handles the communication with the SDK |
CManoMotion.ManoUtils | Tools that can be used to get information adapted to the screen size |
CManoMotion.SimpleGrabber | Example of how to make a script to grab objects. Can change between grabbing with open/closed hand or pinch |
CManoMotion.SkeletonManager | Handles the visualization of the skeleton joints |
CManoMotion.Tools.EmailSender | Email functionality to go with a Button |
CManoMotion.Tools.Escape | Add component to a GameObject to close a Windows application with Escape |
CManoMotion.Tools.OrientationChangeListener | Listens to orientation changes and broadcasts events |
CManoMotion.Tools.WebsiteOpener | Functionality to open a webpage. Used with a Button |
CManoMotion.TryOn.FingerInfoGizmo | Handles the visualization of the finger width and position |
CManoMotion.TryOn.FingerTryOn | |
CManoMotion.TryOn.TryOnLine | |
CManoMotion.TryOn.WristInfoGizmo | Handles the visualization of the wrist width and position |
CManoMotion.TryOn.WristTryOn | |
CManoMotion.UI.HandJointFollower | For world space UI to follow a joint and look at the camera |
CManoMotion.UI.LookAtCamera | For world space UI |
CManoMotion.UI.ManoMotionUIManagment | Handles the UI, FPS, version, licence etc |
CManoMotion.UI.PrivacyPolicyDisclaimer | Notices about ManoMotions Privacy Policy |
CManoMotion.Visualization.BoundingBoxUI | Displays and modifies bounding box from hand tracking |
CManoMotion.Visualization.ManoVisualization | Shows the camera as a background on a mesh in world space |
COneEuroFilter< T > | One Euro Filter implementation to reduce jittering Credit: Dario Mazzanti |
COneEuroFilter< Vector2 > | |
CManoMotion.OneEuroFilterSetting | OneEuroFilter settings to make it faster to implement new filters |
▼CScriptableObject | |
▼CManoMotion.Instructions.InstructionRequirement | Base class for instruction requirement ScriptableObjects |
CManoMotion.Instructions.ContinuousRequirement | ScriptableObject instruction requirement for continuous gestures |
CManoMotion.Instructions.InteractionRequirement | ScriptableObject instruction requirement for Grabber/Grabbable interactions |
CManoMotion.Instructions.TriggerRequirement | ScriptableObject instruction requirement for gesture triggers |
CManoMotion.Session | Information reagarding the sessions sent to the SDK every frame |
CManoMotion.SkeletonInfo | Contains information about the skeleton joints |
CManoMotion.TrackingInfo | Contains information about position and tracking of the hand |
CManoMotion.VisualizationInfo | Used for visualization of camera image |
CManoMotion.WorldSkeletonInfo | Contains information about the skeleton joints |
CManoMotion.WristInfo | Information of wrist position |