ManoMotion Unity SDK 2.0
SDK documentation
No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CCameraChangeListenerInvokes UnityEvents when camera is changed to front- or back facing
 CCameraSwitchContains a single method to switch the camera between front- and back facing. Add to Button and connect with OnClick event
 CInputManagerAdjustableTakes control of the devices camera and broadcasts camera updates
 CInputManagerARFoundationClones the camera image from ARCameraBackground and broadcasts camera updates
 CInputManagerBaseBase class for InputManagers
 CGrabbableComponent to interact with
 CGrabberManages interactions with grabbable objects
 CRecentererRecenters the GameObject when enabled. Mostly used in "scenes" so that the GameObjects appears in front of the camera
 CSceneOptionSettings for "scenes" when using SceneSelection
 CSceneSelectionManages the scene carousel
 CManoMotionSetupUpdates the Project Settings to work for Windows, Android and iOS
 CContinuousGizmoDisplays which continuous gesture is being performed
 CDebugTextComponent to quickly display values for debugging
 CTriggerGestureVisualizerTo display specific trigger gestures in skeleton scene
 CTriggerGizmoHandles the visualization of the trigger gizmos
 CTriggerLineVisualizerDisplays a line between start/stop gesture triggers. Like grab and release
 CTriggerMarkerMarker to be left at a position for a specified duration
 CTriggerMarkerVisualizerActivates a marker when a specified gesture is triggered
 CInstructionComponent that keeps track of an instruction requirement
 CInstructionManagerManager for new style of instructions
 CInstructionPanelUpdates the instruction panels position depending on the device orientation
 CInstructionStepManager of an instruction panel that can have multiple requirements. Example is the panel with both Grab and Release instructions
 CNextTimerInvokes an event when timer has been active for a specified time
 CInstructionStepInstruction that can require multiple requirements to be fulfilled
 CSceneInstructionManager of old style instructions
 CContinuousRequirementScriptableObject instruction requirement for continuous gestures
 CInstructionRequirementBase class for instruction requirement ScriptableObjects
 CInteractionRequirementScriptableObject instruction requirement for Grabber/Grabbable interactions
 CTriggerRequirementScriptableObject instruction requirement for gesture triggers
 CEmailSenderEmail functionality to go with a Button
 CEscapeAdd component to a GameObject to close a Windows application with Escape
 COrientationChangeListenerListens to orientation changes and broadcasts events
 CWebsiteOpenerFunctionality to open a webpage. Used with a Button
 CFingerInfoGizmoHandles the visualization of the finger width and position
 CWristInfoGizmoHandles the visualization of the wrist width and position
 CHandJointFollowerFor world space UI to follow a joint and look at the camera
 CLookAtCameraFor world space UI
 CManoMotionUIManagmentHandles the UI, FPS, version, licence etc
 CPrivacyPolicyDisclaimerNotices about ManoMotions Privacy Policy
 CBoundingBoxUIDisplays and modifies bounding box from hand tracking
 CManoVisualizationShows the camera as a background on a mesh in world space
 CBoundingBoxBounding box of a hand
 CBoundingBoxOverlap2DComponent that can be used to check overlaps between the bounding box and 2D colliders
 CDrawLineBetweenJointsHandle the linerenderers between the skeleton joints
 CFeatures1 for using it and 0 for not using it, for skeleton it´s either 3d if 1 or 2d if 0
 CFingerInfoGives information about the width of the fingers
 CGestureInfoInformation about the gesture performed by the user
 CHandInfoContains information about the hand
 CManoEventsGives information about the license being used
 CManoMotionFrameCamera frame information to be set and broadcast by InputManagers
 CManoMotionManagerThe ManomotionManager handles the communication with the SDK
 CManoMotionManagerBaseBase class for ManoMotionManager. Handles library imports and settings
 CManoSettingsInformation sent to the SDK on Init() from ManomotionManager
 CManoUtilsTools that can be used to get information adapted to the screen size
 COneEuroFilterSettingOneEuroFilter settings to make it faster to implement new filters
 CSessionInformation reagarding the sessions sent to the SDK every frame
 CSimpleGrabberExample of how to make a script to grab objects. Can change between grabbing with open/closed hand or pinch
 CSkeletonInfoContains information about the skeleton joints
 CSkeletonManagerHandles the visualization of the skeleton joints
 CTrackingInfoContains information about position and tracking of the hand
 CVisualizationInfoUsed for visualization of camera image
 CWorldSkeletonInfoContains information about the skeleton joints
 CWristInfoInformation of wrist position